Category : Blog Posts
Category : Blog Posts
When your children have mastered saying these three kind words to others, you can move on to teaching them these life-skills to ensure you are raising a kind and considerate child who has impeccable manners.
If you spend time teaching your children these additional courtesies, it will make them stand out among their peers and enable them to soar to their full potential in many situations.
Teach them how to shake hands with a firm handshake, eye contact and a warm smile.
Teach them to open the door for others and hold the door open if others are following behind them.
Teach your sons how to pull out a chair for girls and women at the table.
Teach your children to be quiet during concerts, movies and during religious services, unless they are asked to participate during these events.
Show them the correct way to hold their fork, knife and spoons. Yes, even children can hold a butter knife to cut their food if they mimic your movements in a safe manner.
Show them how to solve disagreements with words instead of being aggressive with their fists.
Show them how to be respectful of others’ property and ideas.
Remind them to write thank-you notes.
Remind them of their personal appearance and how to make a good impression.
Remind them to always show kindness and they will go far in life.
Categories: Blog Posts
How often do you say please, thank you and excuse me during the day? Now, how often do you remind your children to say these kind words? Did you know that children as young as three-years old can be taught manners, and these words should be introduced into their budding vocabularies, along with cat, ball and run? The younger they are when they begin to say these words, the easier it will be for them to say it when they are older and are under even more scrutiny.
Instead of Gimme or Give me, children can just as easily say Please when they ask for something they want. When you use these words in their presence, children are eager to mimic your actions and will follow your lead.
Thank you
When your children are given something, whether it is a gift or a compliment, do they automatically say thank you? If not, continue to remind them and it will become a habit.
Excuse me
My five-year old knows that he is to say excuse me when he needs something if I am on the phone, speaking with someone in person and when he burps. He is even quick to remind me that I am supposed to say you are excused if I miss hearing one of his burps.
Once children use these words as a part of their regular vocabularies, their teachers, family members and other adults will begin to compliment them and you for their wonderful manners. Now wouldn’t that make everyone’s day just a little brighter!
Categories: Blog Posts